Thursday, April 12, 2012

FAQ: Have Most Guys Looked at Porn?

 Is it true that most guys have looked at porn or have a problem with it?

Porn is readily available to the general public, and is sometimes even thrown in our faces. Depending on how you define porn, it’s likely that most men, and women for that matter have viewed pornography. For some men and women it becomes difficult not to look at or think about pornographic images.  For others, it is easy to recognize as harmful and push them away. To say that most guys have a problem with it would be false.  I have seen a lot of men struggle with pornography use and addictions, but what is hopeful about them is that it’s a struggle. They recognize that pornography is harmful to them and they want to stop. It just takes some time to change behaviors, as it does with any addiction.

It is difficult in our society to avoid pornography, but there is a difference between happening upon it, recognizing what it is doing to your spirit then turning away, and seeking it out, using it to arouse sexual feelings and justifying the use of it. There is a stigma towards anyone who says they have “looked at” pornography, but if we really think about it, just about everyone has seen something pornographic and finding that something alluring or sexually arousing is totally normal. We’re supposed to find sexual things sexually arousing. Our Heavenly Father gave us sexual feelings for our use and benefit, however, He has set specific boundaries for the use of those feelings, which is where we sometimes get into trouble.

Many people struggle with pornography addictions, many people have viewed pornography, and some people reject all sexuality from their lives. Finding a balance between being sexually aroused (a God-given gift to foster families and marital relationships) and what we do with that sexual arousal. Seeking out sexual arousal from anyone/thing other than your spouse can create serious problems in relationships and for individuals.  Interest in sexual arousal and sexual stimulation is normal and healthy, but bridling these passions is part of the responsibilities we have along with this great gift and power.

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