Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Is porn addiction treatable or is it likely that guys will never get over it?

Is porn addiction treatable or is it likely that guys will never get over it?
Pornography addictions are treatable just like any other addiction is treatable. However, they are, perhaps, more difficult to treat because of the nature of our sexuality.  Our sexual feelings are God-given and healthy.  When we get involved in pornography, it taints those God-given feelings and sorting out the good feelings from the bad feelings can be difficult.  But difficult is not impossible.  The most difficult part is deciding to change.  The patterns we create in our lives create mental pathways in our brains, so that when we are faced with choices, our automatic response is to do what we’ve always done. Changing these pathways takes a lot of work, and lot of help.

But it’s not impossible!! Every person will work through their addiction differently and some may be able to work through it quickly and easily, others may struggle for longer.  There are many different treatments and sources of help for those struggling with pornography addictions as well as resources for those who are loved ones of those struggling with pornography addictions.  There is help and there is hope for every person with whatever and however they are struggling. God is good and He can help us move mountains in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. We see alot of people in my professional practice that have pornography addictions and it is interesting to learn how the neurology works. When people are first exposed to pornography it changes their brain chemistry. It can take years to change back once they stop. However, if they continue to view the chemistry doesnt change. There is however a way that brain chemistry can change back to normal very quickly. Once the brain chemistry is normalized the cravings subside and it is much easier to stop. Here is a link where you can learn more about how to normalize brain chemistry: http://www.thetawellnesscenter.com/advantage/treating_pornography_addiction.html

    Dr. Ryan Campbell
    Provo Utah
